Staying Optimistic

I needed to take a break from the Bible for a bit. Believe it or not, it’s not the positive, uplifting book that so many people claim it is (I knew that going in, I’m being sarcastic). Also, the daunting task of reading through the laws has set me back a bit. Anyway, I will be getting back to the main objective of this blog soon enough, I just needed to step back and retain what’s left of my sanity.

The world is a complex place and a lot of stuff happens in it all at once, but it seems like way too much stuff is happening at the same time right now. That’s why I’ve been away from here. You see, part of what gives me ideas for Saturday Sermons and other topics I tweet about is a list I keep on the Twitter account. It’s a private list filled with the popular Christian apologists and evangelical pastors. You would probably recognize some of their names, but I won’t name them here because I don’t want to be blocked (one of them is Frank Turek, but I’ve quote-tweeted him, so he knows). I have had to stay away from that list because it makes me weep for humanity. For the record, I do follow a few pastors, a Jesuit priest, and a rabbi and that’s no joke. They are all good people and reading their tweets gives me hope for humanity.

I also mentioned that I’m reading another book and that is Red Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson. I have been meaning to read it for quite a while and recently treated myself to a new Kindle so I can read distraction free. I’ll probably continue reading the bible that way as well.

Final bit of news in case you don’t follow all of my other accounts, I do a podcast called The Illuminati Social Club (ISC), which is casual conversations about science, conspiracy theories, UFOs, religion, and other related topics. I also have a blog for that podcast where I am planning on writing and, of course, recording more episodes.

This is the stuff that keeps me staying away from doom scrolling Twitter and keeping me in a positive frame of mind. If you would like to know more about ISC, you can follow on Twitter @IlluminatiPod and visit the blog I would appreciate it.

Thank you for putting up with my inconsistency as of late. I’ll get back on track soon.

PS–Note to future self, talk about “toxic positivity” sometime.